云南省人民政府向亚洲基础设施投资银行申请5亿美元贷款用于建设云南昆明长水绿色机场发展项目。云南机场集团有限责任公司根据亚洲基础设施投资银行《环境和社会政策》(2021)要求, 编制了云南昆明长水绿色机场发展项目《移民安置计划框架》、《环境和社会影响评价》、《环境和社会管理计划》、《利益相关方参与计划》和《环境和社会审计》报告草案,现将上述报告草案公示如下。
The Yunnan Provincial People's Government has applied for a US$500 million loan from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for the Yunnan Kunming Changshui Green Airport Development Project. According to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's Environmental and Social Policy (2021), Yunnan Airport Group Co., Ltd. has prepared the reports of "Resettlement Policy Framework", "Environmental and Social Impact Assessment", "Environmental and Social Management Plan", "Stakeholder Engagement Plan" and "Environmental and Social Audit" for the Yunnan Kunming Changshui Green Airport Development Project, and the above draft reports are hereby published as follows.